Thursday, March 31, 2005

A motto?

i had an idea to develop a Reider Cup crest with a suitable motto underneath in either Latin or even Gaelic.
Trawling through a few websites I have found a couple which may be of use but obviously if anyone has Latin- or Gaelic-speaking chums that would be better.
My idea for a motto (is that the right word?) was...

"It don't matter if you're Black or White!"

Can't be any more unbiased than that.
Any thoughts?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Reider Cup Stats - did you know......

2001 - White Triumph, Captain - R. Thompson
2002 - Black Day, Captain - W. R. Thompson
2003 - White Right, Captain - S. McCreadie
2004 - All White on the Night, Captain - G. Husband

More detailed analysis to follow........


Welcome fellow Reider Cuppers to the first "website" for us keen golfers.This has been set up to enable one and all to get some pre-match banter going and let our capable organisers this year Duncan Gunnee (Mighty White) and Graeme Ross (Puny Black) have somewhere to post any information for all and sundry. Will it be used?Let us see!